Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Forced abortions in China

Having a strong policy is good but when the ideology turn fanatic then it becomes very dangerous. 
I agree that China has a very serious problem of population and they have adopted certain strong policies like birth control, one child per couple etc.. But to follow those policies they have have have gone to an extent of torturing the pregnant women and forcefully aborting their babies. There should be a limit to their action , if they was so hard bent on following those policies then they should have taken precautionary steps like keeping track of those who have already had a child. and reminding time to time.
This is a clear human rights violation, what is the use of such big economy why the people are harassed by such authoritative policies. How can people live in such a country where police torture and kill the infant babies day in and day out? At the same time the responsible citizens of such great countries should realize the problem and act responsibly as the the repurcussion lead to such merciless acts. 
The news reports of these indents are very disturbing, How can people even think of such actions.
If hey are so concerned about the population rise they should have equally strong preventive measure rather than   such heinous acts. 

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