In the world when the change happens, it happens through two ways,
Revolution and Evolution
Revolution is a abrupt or a sudden change in a stagnant system which has remained unchanged over a long period of time.
Evolution is a process of evolving, things change over the period of time, its a long process and continuous process.
When the process of evolving stops in a system or a society it starts making people long for a change. The long urge for a change leads people to take extreme step to change things in one go. Though the revolution is a short term process it has its own repercussions. Sudden and fast changes in a stagnant system may sound lucrative but when changes happen suddenly there is an issue of adaptability. Sudden changes always makes people unsettled. When there is a change there are always new idea in the system, just because people wanted change doesn't mean they will tolerate the new entrants in the system. So people's reaction to the sudden changes may not necessarily be positive. People take their own time to adapt to the new changes. Sometimes people's reaction may be against the new change. This negative reaction leads to the instability in the system. In a system where there is an unstable phase, there is always a section of people who want to make use of instability to serve their own interests. If we see the three major revolutions in the history, this has been the case, it may be French Revolution where France ended up being taken over by Napoleon or Russian Revolution where Lenin took over Russia or Industrial Revolution where the rich became richer while the poor had to pay the price. Revolution comes with a cost, to be specific an immediate cost. Even in the most recent revolution in Egypt, after the overthrowing of Hosni Mubarak, the military rule was imposed now the people are agitating against one more tyrant in the form of military.Unless the people are ready to handle this instability the revolution is more of a bane than a boon.
Evolution on the other hand is a very slow process over a long period of time. Here the changes may not happen suddenly but its a process of evolving, as the time passes the system evolves itself. Evolution happens across several generations. In the process of evolution no one is left behind as in the process of evolution people evolve with the system. So the chances of instability is very thin in the case of evolution. People are better prepared for the changes in evolution. If we see First war of Indian Independence in 1857 and The freedom movement in 1940s, we can notice the difference as in 1857 India was not ready for such a movement as there was no unity among the Indian states so it actually backfired but led to the evolution of a far more united India and a stronger freedom movement in 1940s. It took nearly 100 years for a stronger freedom movement to evolve but it was far more fruitful when compared to 1857. Just like the Charles Darwin's theory of evolution of species where the human species has got its present state after evolution over a long period of time. For example if a monkey had lost its tail over night it might have found it hard to adapt to its environment as the tail had its own use, but now since the tail has disappeared overnight it will be in a conflict with environment. As the theory says the monkey has lost its tail to become human by a process of evolution over a long period of time. Evolution is a continual process and the stagnation in which leads to a revolution.
Evolution may be kick started with a revolution, revolution takes place due to the stagnation in the process of evolution.
It is up to the people how they want their society to be shaped up by, either by a revolution or by a process evolution.
People have to decide for themselves whether they are ready for total change. For a revolution of any sort people have to be well prepared to a sea change.
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